Monday, July 13, 2015

What day is it?

So it's Monday but I've lost track of how many days I've been on the road.   On the bus into town I sat  next to Jennie Devine.
No shit that's her name.
Ecuadorean but spent time in U.S.
She said
You will get lost in Montanita
I said.  It's not that big
She said that's not what she meant.
Now I understand

Having lunch at Ibiza
You know you made a good impression when you've been here only three days and the staff calls you by your name
Or the name you've been given by your smokin hot 7th grade Spanish teacher.
Seems to fit

A little more so since I've not found my comb for a week.
I feel a little bit like James Bond at the beach at the start of Skyfall.

After lunch I'll head back to beach and watch the waves.  Today I'll sit under an umbrella
Yesterday I pulled the dumb gringo stunt.
It was heavy overcast
Damit.   How many times did I read how much uv comes through the clouds when you are on equator.
Felt sick last night.  Hydrated and went to bed early.  Woke up still a bit out of it but have shaken it off.  

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