Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Another idea

So Cuenca will be the first place I land. It's called the Paris of South America. It has a large community of ex-pats -- making it an idea starting place. But at 8,000 feet elevation it has a cooler climate, ironic for being on the Equator.

One thousand feet lower is Loja.  It is warmer. Maybe the perfect climate. But at 200,000 population -- some say it feels too small. I will see for myself. It's on the list.

By on December 11, 2013
Located in the nation’s Southern Sierra, Loja, Ecuador, may very well be one of the country’s most underrated retirement destinations.  Known as the “Valley of Smiles,” it’s a friendly village whose amenities rival, if not exceed, those of some of its more popular counterparts.
Loja, Ecuador
Georgia Popplewell
One of the oldest cities in Ecuador, it’s also one of the most pioneering. Loja successfully marries authentic colonial charm with modern conveniences, and it comes with an attractive price tag.  In many ways, Loja, Ecuador, offers its foreign residents the best of both worlds.
And, while the city does receive its fair share of tourists, surprisingly few expats have made it their permanent retirement destination.  This could make it the ideal place for those looking for a more authentic expat experience in a place that doesn’t seem to be headed in too much of a North American direction.
Here are a few things would-be expats should know about undiscovered Loja, Ecuador:

Despite its rural location, it’s incredibly easy to reach and get around in.

Located in the Cuxibamba Valley, Loja is surrounded by lush, green mountains that cascade down into beautiful valleys with rushing rivers.  Its climate and elevation of 6,750 feet above sea level make it the perfect place for growing crops ranging from coffee to plantains to citrus fruits.  Those who want to own a large tract of land or farm can easily find one.
However, Loja itself is a very walkable city.  In fact, most residents find owning a car to be unnecessary for day-to-day life.  Taxis are readily available and inexpensive.  They can shuttle you across town for about a buck or even to other parts of the country. Loja has a modern bus system, as well as jet transport to other major cities in Ecuador via its nearby airport.

Loja, Ecuador, may have the world’s most ideal climate.

With daily temperatures rarely rising much above 70 degrees, you won’t need air conditioning.  Heat is also unnecessary, although the cool nights will require a few extra layers.  This same wardrobe will get you through the entire year, though, as there’s very little seasonal variation.
What fluctuation there is comes in the form of a wet and dry season.  The best weather days are in October to January.  The wettest time is February through May, but the daily afternoon rainbow is likely to make you forget about any inconvenience.

Loja offers modern amenities without compromising any of its authentic details.

Established in 1548, Loja is one of the oldest cities in Ecuador.  Its town squares are full of statues, frescoes, and other remnants of its colonial past.  Original structures, with their arched doorways and wide balconies, stand adjacent to similar new construction designed to complement the city’s historic architecture.  This harmony of old and new is something that Loja intentionally aimed for and achieved beautifully.
Loja established itself as one of Ecuador’s most forward-thinking cities when it became the first to make use of electricity, as early as 1897.  It has continued this trend of well-planned modernization and industrialization, while still maintaining its historic charm.
Visitors to Loja can tour centuries-old churches like the Fatima and Santo Domingo. They also have access to conveniences often found only in much larger cities, including several universities, shopping centers, and hospitals.  Its technology is up to par, and its nightlife rivals some of the country’s liveliest destinations with its restaurants, bars, and other happening hotspots.
The city has also thrived financially as a result of its carefully planned economic development.  It has also been internationally recognized for its efforts to protect its environment and natural resources.

Loja, Ecuador, is the ideal place for optimal cultural immersion.

With a population of about 185,000 people, Loja has a more small-town feel than many of its competing expat destinations.  For comparison the mountain town of Cuenca, located 3 hours north of Loja, has almost double the population at 330,000.
The people of Loja are friendly and social.  The town’s squares function as places to relax, spend some time people-watching, or meet up with friends.  The locals also welcome foreign residents in a way that’s much different than many expat destinations.
Loja has virtually no expat community to speak of.  As a result, immigrants are treated as just another member of the local community.  Not as just another gringo.  While many would-be expats are deterred by cities without an established expat community, others welcome the opportunity to be accepted on their own merits and not pigeonholed into a certain stereotype.

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