Thursday, January 22, 2015

This is starting to get fun

I'm starting to remember myself. It's been a while. (That could have layers of meanings.) But planning a big trip is starting to become familiar to me.

Especially with this trip -- heading alone to a new place in South America -- I start with fear, then intensity of research, problem-solving, second thoughts and finally -- acceptance. Now the fun part is starting. After more than two months, I am actually getting excited.

I finally have a flight plan. There are many ways to get to Ecuador from Portland. None of them straightforward. None of them obviously better than the other. I have some Alaska miles that I am going to use and I figured -- go big or go home. So, for a 14 hour flight with three legs -- it's time for first class. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

Second, I am working of the Zen of this travel thing. I am convinced it is more about the journey than the destination. I want to find out -- who am I when stripped of the familiar, who can I be.

Third, let's enjoy the journey. For example, I have a three hour layover in Dallas before transferring to Miami, then Miami to Ecuador. So, why not spend $30 for a day pass to a gym/day spa? Rather than spending a couple hours eating airport nachos and drinking beer (not always a bad thing), how about an hour workout, swim, steam bath and shower.

Part of the coolness is that the facility is part of a Weston Hotel that is literally built into the airport. So no ground transportation is needed.

So far, I've gotten myself down DFW in class and leisure. Now let's see about Miami.

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