Thursday, January 8, 2015

Where to stay and what to take?

So... how to do what you've never done before.
Go to a foreign country and plunk yourself down for up to 90 days.
How does one do that?
Well, it help to be a research geek.
I've always loved researching stuff.
And I've been able to narrow down certain things. I know where I want to go (Cuenca) and when (mid-June).
So now, where to land?
I may have come up with the place. A Spanish immersion condo.
The setting looks great.

There is a private room with a private bath and 90 minutes of Spanish each day -- along with field trips around the city. All provided by a former Virginian named Elle.
She runs the Cuenca Spanish Club. So room and lessons is $45 a day. (all costs are in US dollars since Ecuador uses US currency.

Cuenca Spanish Club

So, if I decide to go with this, I will have a place to stay for a week and a teacher to instruct me on the language and the lay of the land. So right now, this is my favored option.

What to bring

Another thing that I needlessly obsess about is what to bring. I've vacillated between and all new outfit from Travelsmith or simply using what's in my closet. I am leaning toward what's in my closet.
But how to bring it remain in play.
I will take a carry-on and a backpack.
The lighter I am, the easier and more flexible the travel.
The most practical backpack I've found is manufactured in Montana.

Lifetime guarantee and designed to fit under your seat as a personal item carry-on

The way in

And as much as I love researching and preparing, I also am trying to get inside my own head and heart for why I want to do this.

First, it is the right time. My kids are on a success trajectory at UO (Go Ducks). If they were having babies, I would want to be right there. But they both have a couple of years to finish out school. While they will always need their dad, I asked them and they said I should do this.

Why do it?
I get different answers every day -- but many times it comes back to: to show myself I can. And if I can do it in Cuenca, maybe I can do it elsewhere -- or anywhere.
I recall an old saying, "wherever you go, there you are." I guess that means you can't run away from your feelings or problems because they go with you. 
So there is a bit of faith in the idea of travel. 
Of gaining perspective.
Maybe I will be miserable. Or terrified. Or lonely.
But at the least -- I will be alive.

1 comment:

  1. I want a Cinnamon Girl for the rest of my life! Looks great, hopefully it turns out to be a blast and one of the great adventures of your life.
