Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday June 26 -
One week ago I was on a plane leaving PDX. Today I am preparing for my second week in Ecuador -- flying out of Quito at 9 am for a one hour flight down the Andes to Cuenca.

Doesnt feel like a week. Perhaps its just that time is becoming less relevant with my travel schedule based upon weekly segments. Unless it is a Saturday, I have no where specific to be. Reminds me of something Rick Baker said, we are human be-ings not human do-ings.

This morning I went around the hostel to thank and tip the staff. In my broken Spanish I explained how much at home they made me. The five foot tall cook came up to me and gave me a hug. I cant imagine a better place for me to start than this place. A collection of fellow travelers who are so into it.  Some have been traveling for months. I see the skills, confidence and knowledge they've picked up.

As I write this at the big table in the hostel, a couple of the staff mention there were complaints about the loud Australians playing drunk Janga last night. I admit it was a display of energy Ive not seen for a while.

Reminds me of the stories Rob Dembicky told of his Marine days serving in Somalia with Aussie soldiers.
They were always ready to go out and get into battle for the rush of it.

Its been an added bonus to meet folks from around the world. I love my world of Canby. Like my son said, it was a great place for a family to enjoy together. And last year, being the only one left in Canby, I thought it was time for me to leave as well. But I dont feel quite that way anymore. Immodestly, I feel there are still contributions I can make on the city council as Canby sees the biggest redevelopment of a generation. Other than in the hearts of my children, it is my home.  But this trip helps. How can I miss you Canby if I dont go away? I will be happy to return there and enjoy the pastoral pace  -- and plan for more adventures to make me miss, and want to return to Canby.

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