Monday, June 29, 2015

Sitting on the ground next to the Tomebamba River again.  
This is my 9th day in Ecuador.  
I'm healthy and at peace. 

About six months ago I went to the Canby Cinema to attend my first movie solomente.  

It went fine of course.  But I didn't like the apprehension of doing something alone.  

As is consistent with my OCD personality
I wanted that fixed
And now.  

So i figured if you're afraid of water then jump in the deep end of the pool. 

If you're apprehensive of doing things alone then fly solo to someplace you've never been, don't speak the language (well) and spend a month traveling from city to city.   
Tomorrow will be one third of the time I set aside for this little intervention.  
I'm not lonely or sad or apprehensive.  Rather at peace which -- this may sound weird -- but is an odd feeling for me.  
I knew my goal from the start was not Ecuador.  This country -- as wonderful as it is  -- was merely the embryonic sack for my development.  
My goal was to live in peace wherever I was and whoever I was  -- employed.  Not employed.  Elected. Not elected.  Married. Not married. 
It's the fourth quarter. The game is tied.  And it's time for me to call my own plays from the field.   
Put me in coach.  I'm ready to play.   

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